Sample Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET) Answers

Cambridge PET Question: What kind of films do you enjoy? Do you prefer watching them at the cinema or at home? Why? Write an article answering these questions and we will put it on our website. Write your answer in about 100 words

Sample Cambridge PET Article

119 words

I enjoy watching comedy films. The most recent comedy I watched was “The Big Bang Theory”, and it was absolutely hilarious. It is about four very intelligent friends who work at a university in California. Even though they are smart in physics, they struggle to understand basic things like making friends.

I prefer watching movies at home, sitting on my couch, instead of going to the cinema. In fact, I only go to the cinema when I am with my friends. Watching movies at home gives me so much freedom. I can pause movies when I am tired, or rewind to see something I missed. I can also stop watching anytime I want. It is also cheaper than the cinema.

Sample PET Story

(108 words)

Everybody clapped when I walked onto the stage. Even though it was my first time in the music competition, I was confident because I had spent a lot of time practicing.

I tapped the microphone a little to check if it was on. It was. I looked at the audience and smiled. Then, just as I opened my mouth to sing, I noticed something. Too many eyes were staring at me full of expectation. Suddenly my mind went blank and I could not remember the words. I could feel My legs begin to shake and I knew I had to get off the stage while I could still walk.

Sample Cambridge Preliminary Letter

Hello Peter,

Thank you for writing to me. I hope you are doing well.

I am so glad to hear that you interested in Kenyan music. Most of our music is a kind of Hip hop called Genge. It is quite interesting if you like rap and dancing. The most popular Genge artists are 50 Cent and Eminem. You can find their songs on Youtube.

Unfortunately, Nairobi, my home is too small for any live concerts. However, there are many live concerts in Mombasa which is three hours away. I once went to a Mike Jackson concert there and it was awesome.

Personally, I like listening to many kinds of music. My playlist has Hip hop, Pop, Rock and Classical music. What your favorite music?



Sample Cambridge PET Writing Question

Hello Sandy,

I am so glad that you are hosting me too. You are the best!

A rock concert, are you kidding me? Of course I would love to go. Please tell me it’s  the Eagles; I have always wanted to go to their concert. How much is the ticket?

Climbing sounds like fun, but I hurt my knee playing basketball and the doctor says I should not strain that leg for a while. We could go to the movies.  I haven’t watched the new Harry Potter movie, have you?

Apart from my chess board, is there anything else I should pack?



Sample Cambridge Article

You see this Notice in an English-language magazine:


What kind of things does it sell? What do you like about it?

Write an article answering these question and we will put it in our magazine.

Write your answer in about 100 words

(117 words)

My favourite shop is a small coffee shop on Down Street called Delicious. It mainly sells coffee, cakes, sandwiches and other snacks. I go to Delicious about three times a week. Usually, I take a latte and their banana bread. They are always perfect. Sometimes I bring my laptop and complete my assignment from there. Their internet is fast, and they don’t play loud music.

I like going to Delicious because they have a lot of space, their coffee is really good, and they are not expensive. I meet my friends there regularly and we always find a table. On average their medium coffee is 2 dollars. I also like that they play different kinds of music.

Cambridge PET Article about Sport and Exercise

Are there enough sports activities for young people to do in your area? Do you think it’s important for young people to do sport and exercise? Why? Write an article answering these questions and we’ll publish the best ones.

In Westlands, my area, there aren’t many sport activities for young people. This is because most of the area is built up leaving very few opening spaces for exercise. There a few football fields but they belong to schools and colleges. Therefore, if you want to exercise you have to go to the gyms and pay for membership.

It is very important for young people to do sports because of its many health benefits. Exercise helps people to remain fit and healthy as it helps them get rid of excess fats through sweating. Also, sports teach young people how to work with others.

option B

In Westlands, my area, there are many sport activities for young people. There are many free football clubs, basketball courts, bike lanes and jogging tracks. My friends and I play football on a field close to my home.

It is very important for young people to do sports because of its many health benefits. Exercise helps people to remain fit and healthy as it helps them get rid of excess fats through sweating. Also, sports teach young people how to work with others.

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