The Caucasian Chalk Circle (by Bertolt Brecht) Excerpt question 3

1. Read the extract below the answer all the questions that follow
The procession turns into the gateway. Again the ADJUTANT lingers behind. He waits. Enter the wounded rider form the doorway. To IRONSHIRTS of the Palace Guard have taken up positions by the gateway.
ADJUTANT (to RIDER): The Governor does not wish to receive military news before dinner-especially it’s depressing, as I assume. In the afternoon His Excellency will confer with prominent architects. They’re coming to dinner too. And here they are! (Enter three gentlemen through the doorway) Go to the kitchen and eat, my friend. (As the RIDER goes, the ADJUTANT greets the ARCHITECTS) Gentlemen, His Excellency expects you at dinner. He will devote all his time to you and your great new plans. Come!

ONE OF THE ARCHITECTS: We marvel that His Excellency intends to build. There are disquieting rumours that the war in Persia has taken a turn for the worse.

ADJUTANT: All the more reason to build! There’s nothing to those rumours anyway. Persia is a long way off, and the garrison here would let itself be hacked to bits for its Governor.
(Noise from the palace. The shrill scream of a woman Someone is shouting orders, Dumbfounded, the ADJUTANT moves toward the gateway. An IRONSHIRT steps out, points his lance at him) What’s this? Put down that lance you dog.
ONE OF THE ARCHITECTS: It’s the princes! Don’t you know the princes met last night in the capital? And they’re against the Grand Duke and his Governors? Gentlemen, we’d better make ourselves scare. (They rush off. The ADJUTANT remains helplessly behind).

ADJUTANT (furiously to the Palace Guard): Down with those lances! Don’t you see the Governors life is threatened?
The IORNSHIRTS of the palace guard refuse to obey. They stare coldly and indifferently at the ADJUTANT and follow the next events without interest.

O blindness of the great!
They go their way like gods,
Great over bent backs,
Sure of hired fists,
Trusting the power
Which has lasted so long.
But long is not forever.
O change form age to age!
Though hope of the people!
Enter the GOVERNOR through the gateway, between two SOLDIERS armed to the teeth.
He is in chains. His face is gray.
Up, great sir, deign to walk upright!
From your palace the eyes of many foes follow you!
And now you don’t need and architect, a carpenter will do.
You wont be moving to a new palace
But into a little hole in the ground.
Look about you once more, blind man!
The arrested man looks round.
Does all you had please you?
Between the Easter Mass and Easter meal
You are walking to a place whence no one returns.
The GOVERNOR is led off. A horn sounds an alarm, noise behind the gateway
When the house of the great one collapses
Many little ones are slain.
Those who had no share in the good fortunes of the mighty
Often have a share in their misfortunes
The plunging wagon
Drags the sweating oxen down with it
Into the abyss.
The SERVANS come rushing through the gateway in panic

a) Identify the setting of this extract? (2 marks)
b) What has Natella blamed the governor for just before this extract? (2 marks)
c) What are the reasons for disallowing the rider from reaching the governor? (2 marks)
d) For what reason did the princes hold a meeting the capital and how will this affect the governor later in the play? (3 marks)
e) Identify any theme that has been highlighted in this extract (2 marks)

f) Explain an instance of irony in this extract (2 marks)
g) How has the singer foreshadowed the tragic end of the governor before the is led off? Write your answers in note form (3 marks)
h) Why it is justified to refer to the governor as a blind man (3 marks)
i) Identify and explain any use of proverb in this extract (2 marks)
j) He will devote all his time to you and your great new plans. (Begin: All his time…) (1 mark)
k) Explain the meaning of the following as used in the extract (3 marks)
i. Confer…………………………………………………………………………
ii. Disquieting………………………………………………………………………
Make ourselves scarce………………………………………………………….

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