The Caucasian Chalk Circle (By Bertolt Brecht) Excerpt question

Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.

GRUSHA (to the CHILD): Noontime is meal time. Now we’ll sit hopefully in the grass,
while he good Grusha goes and buys a little pitcher of milk. (She lays the CHILD down and knocks at the cottage door. An old man opens it.) Grandfather, could l have a little pitcher of milk? And a corn cake, maybe?
OLDMAN: Milk? We have no milk. The soldiers from the city have our goats. Go to the soldiers if you want milk.
GRUSHA: But grandfather, you must have little pitcher of milk for a baby?
OLDMAN: And for a God-bless-you, eh?
GRUSHA: Who said anything about a God-bless-you? (She shows her purse.) We’ll pay
like princes. “Head in the clouds, back side in the water.” (The peasant goes off grumbling, for milk,) How much for the milk?
OLDMAN: Three piasters. Milk has gone up.
GRUSHA: Three piasters for this little drop? (Without a word the OLDMAN shuts the door
in her face.) Michael, did you hear that? Three piasters! We can’t afford it! (She goes back, sits down again, and gives CHILD her breast.) Suck. Think of the three pisaters. There’s nothing there, but you think you’re drinking, and that’s something. (Shaking her head, she sees that the CHILD isn’t sucking any more. She gets up, walks back to the door, and knocks again.) Open, grandfather, we’ll pay. (Softly.) May lightning strike you! (When the OLD MAN appears:) I thought it would be half a piaster. But the baby must be fed. How about one piaster for that little drop?
GRUSHA: Don’t shut the door again. (She fishes a long time in her bag.) Here are two piasters. The
milk better be good. I still have two days journey ahead of me. It’s a murderous business you
have here – and sinful, too!
OLD MAN: Kill the soldiers if you want milk
GRUSHA: (giving the child some milk): This is an expensive joke. Take a sip, Micheal, it’s a week’s
pay. Around here they think we earned our money just sitting on our behinds. Oh, Micheal, Micheal, you’re a nice little load for a girl to take on ! (Uneasy, she gets up; put the child on her back, and walks on. The OLD MAN, grumbling, picks up the pictcher and looks after her unmoved.)
SINGER: As Grusha Vashnadze went northward
The Princes’ Ironshirts went after her.
CHORUS: How will the barefoot girl escape the Iron shirts,
The bloodhounds, the trap – setters?
They hunt even by night
Pursuers never tire.
Butchers sleep little.
a) Explain what happens immediately before this extract (3mks)
b) “Revolutions sometimes bring suffering to the common man”. Describe what justifies this statement in this extract (4mks).
c) As Grusha Vashnadze went Northward, the Princes’ ironshirts went after her. Using the excerpt and elsewhere in the novel, explain the importance of this mission to the soldiers. (3mks)
d) What is the attitude of the old man towards the soldiers? (2 mks)
e) Explain two character traits of Grusha as brought out in the excerpt (4mks)
f) What is the significance of the song in the extract (2mks)
g) Identify and explain two other styles used in the excerpt (4mks)
h) It’s a murderous business you have here and sinful too. (Add a question tag). (1 mk)
i) Give the meaning of the following statements as used in the passage:
i) This is an expensive joke (1mk)
ii) And for a God-bless-you, eh (1mk)

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